Latest financial news on the trading, investing, personal finance and insurance.

Interactive Brokers Blocks Suspicious Accounts
AUG 14, 2020 Interactive Brokers forcibly close suspicious accounts of certain clients. Information about this appears in all specialized forums and blogs.
SoFi Is Buying Galileo for $1.2 Billion
APR 8, 2020 SoFi, a fintech company, has the intention to buy Galileo, a payment system software developer, for $1.2 billion.
Google Cloud Buys Cornerstone Technology
FEB 21, 2020 Google Cloud buys Cornerstone Technology. The purchase will help the Company upgrade the infrastructure and applications of customers in Google Cloud. The exact amount of the business deal is still unknown.
Nvidia Earned Record Income in the 4th Quarter of 2019
FEB 14, 2020 Nvidia reported the results of the 4th quarter of 2019. The company announced “record” revenue from selling data processing centers.
Virus in China Hit Global Financial Markets
JAN 22, 2020 Quotes on global stock markets decreased due to concerns about the dissemination of the deadly coronavirus in China. Asian markets affected the most extent.
Vanguard Launches New Pension Fund in the United Kingdom
JAN 13, 2020 Vanguard has been preparing the new financial product (the Vanguard SIPP) for more than 2 years. The Vanguard personal pension will be available at the beginning of 2020.
Robinhood Provided the Opportunity to Buy Fractional Shares
DEC 16, 2019 Robinhood, a fin-tech startup, provided users with the opportunity to buy fractional shares of popular companies and ETFs.
Charles Schwab Will Buy TD Ameritrade for $26 Billion
NOV 29, 2019 Charles Schwab, the largest US broker, announced the purchase of its competitor, TD Ameritrade, by pooling of interests. The deal amounted to $ 26 billion.
Global Payments and Total System Services Merged
MAY 29, 2019 Global Payments and Total Systems Services, US payment services, concluded a merger agreement. It is planned to close the deal in the fourth quarter of 2019.