JAN 28, 2019
Investments come in many different shapes, sizes and risk profiles. From government issued bonds, or gilts as those issued in the UK by HM’s Treasury are called, at one end of the returns to risk scale to small, speculative companies of high potential matched by the equally high risk their shares could lose significant value or become practically worthless at the other.
JAN 23, 2019
The SEC stand for the Securities and Exchange Commission and it is the USA’s financial regulator. In the same way as financial regulators in other countries internationally, the role of the SEC is first and foremost to protect investors. It does so by maintaining what the body itself describes as “fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate(ing) capital formation”.
JAN 22, 2019
Once you’ve come to the conclusion that it is time to start investing for your future instead of accepting the measly, below inflation, interest rates currently available on cash in current or savings accounts, you’ll have to open an account with a stock broker.
JAN 21, 2019
If you’re considering taking the plunge into the stock market and buying your first ever shares, it’s probably a good idea.
DEC 6, 2018
Finding the right online broker that is aligned to your investment goals is crucial, as the right broker can help in acquiring the right knowledge to make proper investment decisions and establish a steady income stream.